Dear Dojo Family, This week the landlord will be performing maintenance of the parking lot. In order to stay out of the way and speed work along, we are going to take this opportunity to get some fresh air and enjoy the summer weather by taking our training outside. This will also give us a chance to stripe our students who have been training exclusively online.
When: Mon Jul 20/Wed Jul 22/Fri Jul 24th (Follow in-dojo schedule for class times) Where: Denison Park (On Denison, East of Kennedy. Parking lot off Denison) Dress: Karate bottoms, Belt, T-shirt, Hat, Running Shoes, Sunglasses etc. Masks are optional for outdoor training. We will continue to social distance our classes. What to Bring: Plenty of water, Sunscreen, Weapons (for masters students) New Class Times Please check the schedule for new Black Belt Class Times on Monday & Wednesday Online Classes Online classes will carry on as scheduled. Please check the updated schedule for class times. Weather In the event of heavy rain we will move classes back to the dojo. If it's a hot day we will train outside but adjust our intensity and take plenty of water breaks. Stripes If you have been training online and would like to get caught up on your stripes, please feel free to come for class or just stop by with your belt to say hi. Either way, just present yourself to a senior teacher and they will get your stripes caught up. We're looking forward to a fun-filled week of outdoor training and hope to see you all there.